
2002 Alberg 30 Racing Results

PlaceCBYRA ScoreSkipperYachtSail No.CBYRAClubNOOD1NOOD2NOOD3Miles R.TwilightOsiusSolomonsUS/CAUS/CAOxfordHammondQueens OvrQueens BkQual Races
1 0.6486 Townshend, RolphSKYBIRD550076800SCCdsq2dnf132 14221210
2 0.6404 Rankin, AndyLINGIN244062350AYC11dnf211251    7
3 0.6279 Liddick/MattoxLIMERICK227110942AYC58dnf344436112111
4 0.6080 Helms, LannyWINDSWEPT562111510SRYC710dnf4 6121343310
5 0.4545 Chambers, Rick/DebKAHAWAI411111201NASS87dnf 5 3  43  5
6 0.4167 Gamber, HarrySECOND-2-NUN484026770AYC33dnf  5 6dnf55  6
7 0.3818 Williams, T.C.ARGO247108903AYC252 23       3
8 0.3117 Fortnam, TonyVALENCY272110747NASS96dnfdnc   83  445
9 0.2903 Morris, LarrySOLSTICE501 PSA441    3wd    3
10 0.2766 Currier, CharlesINFINITY57 EYC      5      1
11 0.2424 Cooper, SherodDANELY257111392NYC109dnf  76     dnc3
12 0.2157 Kirk, R.ISOBAR181         75    2
13 0.1538 Lehman, MikeGILLELEJE505044880CSCYC   5       753
14 0.1429 Hiesener, M.TERRAPIN254         9dnc  5 2
15 0.1111 McLeesSKEAN DHU338 PSA           662
16 0.0667 Berquist, JohnCALLIOPE287 SSA       10wddnfdnf  4
17 0.0541 Helmes, GailVALENCY272112153NYC   6         1
Starters:    10101065761096676

13 Events, 98 Total Starters, 7.8 Average Starters

10 Qualifiers, 3 Non-Qualifiers

Notice that there's less than 1/2 point spread from first to fourth place. That's some close racing!

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