Sat 27
Early Bird, Rideout Creek, Whitehall Bay (Meinhold/Leigh)
Sailing World NOOD
Fri 3
Sailing World NOOD
Sat 4
Sailing World NOOD
Sun 5
Sat 11
Spring Rendezvous , Lake Ogleton (Maliszewski)
Sun 12
Follow the Wind, Lake Ogleton (Leigh)
Sat 18
Maintenance Weekend, Mill Creek, Magothy R. (Lehman)
MRYC Annapolis to Miles River
Sat 25
Sat 1
Kids Cruise, Rhode River (Pleisse)
Sun 2
Kids Cruise, Rhode River (Pleisse)
PSA Moonlight Race
Sat 8
PSA Moonlight Race, North Bay (Martin)
Syronnelle (arrive in Toronto)
Fri 21
Sat 22
Syronnelle SCC Ted Osius Memorial
Sun 23
Ted Osius Memorial Regatta (Martin)
Sat 13
Summer Rendezvous
Commodore's Champagne Party, Tecumseh, Eastport
Carl Alberg Open (Carter)
Race to Baltimore
Sat 20
Star Spangled Classic
Sun 21
Sat 27
Meet on the Magothy, Black Hole Creek, Magothy R. (Lehman)
Sat 17
Ice Cream Cruise, Eagle Cove, Magothy R. (Leigh)
Sat 31
Labor Day, (Lodge)
Sun 1
Labor Day, (Lodge)
Mon 2
Labor Day, (Lodge)
NASS Race to Oxford
Sat 7
TAYC Hammond Memorial Race
Sun 8
Bruce Rankin Memorial Regatta, Williams', Whitehall Cr.
Sat 21
Fall Rendezvous , Williams', Whitehall Cr.
Bruce Rankin Memorial Regatta, Williams', Whitehall Cr.
Sun 22
PSA Race to Rock Hall
Sat 5
Rock Hall (Martin)
Sun 6
Fall Cruise, Rock Hall (TBD)
Mon 7
Fall Cruise, (TBD)
Tue 8
Fall Cruise, (TBD)
Wed 9
Fall Cruise, (TBD)
Thu 10
Fall Cruise, (TBD)
Fri 11
Fall Cruise, (TBD)
Sat 12
Fall Cruise, (TBD)
Sat 2
Diehard Cruise, Broad Creek, Magothy R. (Palmer/Leigh)
Picture Night
January 2019
Sat 11
Annual Dinner
Boatowners Mechanical And Electrical Manual
by Nigel Calder
An in-depth reference to almost every essential system
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Granted, there are good alternatives to some of his approaches, but he
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its second edition.
Other books by Nigel Calder
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