
2022 A30 Association Schedule

Notice: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this schedule is subject to significant change.

Racing Schedule


Cruising Schedule

Sat 9 Early Bird, Rideout Cr. (Meinhold)

Sat 7 Spring Rendezvous, Twin Harbors Community Pavilion (Maliszewski)
Sun 8 Follow the Wind (Leigh)
NOOD Fri 13
NOOD Sat 14
NOOD Sun 15
Sat 21 Maintenance Weekend, Mill Cr., Magothy R. (Lehman)
Sat 28 Memorial Day Weekend, Leed's Creek, Miles River (Cooper)
Sun 29 Memorial Day Weekend, TBD (Cooper)

PSA Moonlight Sat 4
POSTPONED SCC Ted Osius Memorial Regatta Sat 18
TBD Children's Cruise

EYC Boomerang Sat 9
EYC Boomerang Sun 10
Sat 16 Summer Rendezvous, Mill Cr., Magothy R. (Cooper)
Sun 17 Summer Cruise (Cooper)
TBD Commodore's Champagne Party
TBD Orioles Cruise, Baltimore (Glacken)

Fri 12 Follow the Moonglow (Cooper, Carter)
TBD Dead Engine (Cooper)

Sat 3 Labor Day Weekend, TBD (Lodge)
NASS Race to Oxford Sat 10
TAYC Hammond Memorial Race Back Sun 11
Bruce Rankin Memorial / Canadian Friendship Sat 17
Bruce Rankin Memorial / Canadian Friendship Sun 18

PSA race to Rock Hall Sat 1 Rock Hall, Swan Cr. (Lodge)
Sat 8 Fall Rendezvous, Palmer's, Magothy R. (Foote)
Sun 9 Fall Cruise (Foote) - Queentown
Mon 10 Granary Creek, Wye East River
Tue 11 behind Drum Point, Wye River
Wed 12 Leeds Creek, Miles River
Thurs 13 Hunting Creek, Miles River
Fri 14 Tilghman Creek or Kirwan Creek
Sat 15 home
Sat 22 Naval Academy Football (Meinhold)
Need more signups to qualify for discounted tickets
Chestertown Fri 28 Chestertown Downrigging (Carter)
Chestertown Sat 29 Chestertown Downrigging (Carter)

Sat 5 Die Hard, Broad Cr, Magothy R. (Leigh)

Sat 3 Picture Night (Helms)

January 2023
Sat 28 Annual Dinner

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Page last modified: Friday 03-Feb-2023