2002 Racing Schedule |
2002 Cruising Schedule |
April |
27 |
Early Bird Cruise (Liddick) |
May |
3 |
4 |
5 |
11 |
Spring Rendezvous, Lake Ogleton (Mennucci/Foote) |
MRYC Miles River Race |
25 |
Miles River, Leeds Creek (Townshend) |
26 |
Miles River, Dividing Creek, Game Night (Morris/Lehman) |
June |
SSC Twilight Race |
1 |
2 |
8 |
Lankford Bay Marina, Ice Cream Cruise (Hyatt) |
9 |
US/Canadian A30 Races (in Canada) |
15 |
Children's Cruise, Harness Creek (Credit) |
US/Canadian A30 Races (in Canada) |
16 |
SCC Ted Osius Memorial Race |
22 |
Commodore's Champagne Party at Bluntschli's |
23 |
Summer Cruise (Palmer) Fairlee Creek |
24 |
Chesapeake City |
25 |
Salem, N.J. at Breneman's |
26 |
Cohansee River, Delaware Bay |
27 |
arrive Cape May |
28 |
Cape May |
29 |
Cape May (Maine cruisers depart) |
30 |
Lewes, Delaware (Bluntschli) |
July |
1 |
Cohansee River, Delaware Bay |
2 |
New Castle, Delaware |
3 |
Chesapeake City |
4 |
Northeast Harbor (fireworks) |
5 |
Sassafrass River |
6 |
Worton Creek |
7 |
sail home (end of cruise) |
13 |
Harness Creek, Concert Cruise (Mennucci) |
14 |
EYC Solomon's Race |
19 |
EYC Solomon's Race |
20 |
Eagle's Nest, Magothy River (Beigel/Bates) |
21 |
27 |
28 |
August |
3 |
Summer Rendezvous at Paula Binder's, Spa Creek |
4 |
10 |
Fairlee Creek, Alberg Golf Invitational (Lodge) |
11 |
17 |
18 |
24 |
Baltimore, Orioles (Lehman) |
25 |
31 |
Still Pond, Labor Day Cruise (Walsh) |
September |
1 |
Still Pond, Labor Day Cruise (Walsh) |
2 |
Still Pond, Labor Day Cruise (Walsh) |
7 |
8 |
PSA US/Canadian Races |
14 |
Friendship Weekend |
PSA US/Canadian Races |
15 |
Friendship Weekend |
NASS Oxford |
21 |
Mini-Cruise - Oxford (Blaine) |
TAYC Hammond Memorial (Oxford back) |
22 |
PSA Queenstown |
28 |
Mini-Cruise - Queenstown (Gamber) |
PSA Queenstown back |
29 |
October |
5 |
Fall Rendezvous at Grosh's, Magothy River |
6 |
Wild Goose Chase (De Young) Swan Creek |
7 |
Cacaway Island |
8 |
Reed Creek |
9 |
Granary Creek |
10 |
St. Michael's |
11 |
Tilghman Creek |
12 |
Whitehall Bay |
13 |
sail home (end of cruise) |
19 |
20 |
26 |
Hot Cider Cruise, Clements Creek (Davis) |
27 |
November |
2 |
Die Hard Cruise - Broad Creek, Magothy (Lehman) |
December |
1 |
Picture Night - PSA |
January |
11 |
Annual Dinner |