
Chesapeake Bay Alberg 30 Association - 1998 Schedule

Rhode River Sat 18 Early Bird, South River, Harness Creek (Walter)
Sat 2 Spring Rendezvous, Lake Ogleton (Gorman/Liddick)
Sun 3 Whitbread Leg 8 Begins (Barrett)
Sat 9 R & R Swan Creek
AYC Spring (Gamber) Sat 16
MRYC Miles River (Credit) Sat 23 Miles River, Leeds Creek (DeMoss/Dinwiddie)
Sun 24 Masquerade Ball, Wye River, Dividing Creek (Renee & Dave Cooper)
Sat 30 Whitehall, Rideout Creek (McClees)
SCC Twilight (Marshall) Sat 6 Spa Creek (Binder)
June 13 to June 27 Circumnavigate the Delmarva with Sandy and Jim Davis
PSA Overnight (D. Chambers) Sat 13 Anniversary Cruise, Cackaway Island (Lodge)
US-Canadian International A-30 Race (D. Chambers) Fri 19
US-Canadian International A-30 Race (D. Chambers) Sat 20 Children of all ages Cruise, South River, Harness Creek (Blanc & Mennucci)
Races in Canada (D. Chambers) Sun 21
Ted Osius Race (R. Townshend) Sat 27 Commodore's Champagne Party/Dinner, Lake Ogleton (Burkel)
Sun 28 Begin Summer Maxi Cruise (Dolber/Hite)
Fairlee Creek
Mon 29 North East, North East River
Tue 30 Chesapeake City
Wed 1 Salem River, Salem, N.J. (Breneman)
Thur 2 Delaware City, Delaware Canal
Fri 3 Veasey Cove, Bohemia River
Sat 4 Swan Creek, Gratitude Fireworks
Sun 5 Dun Cove, Harris Creek
Mon 6 Solomons Island, Back Creek
Tues 7 Tangier Island
Wed 8 Crisfield
Thur 9 Hoopersville
Fri. 10 Hudson Creek, Little Choptank
Sat 11 Whitehall, Mill Creek
Sun 12 Sail Home
EYC Solomons Race (Marshall) Fri 17
Sat 18 R & R Back Creek, Solomons Island
Sat 25 Eagles Nest, Magothy River (Davis)
Sat 1 Magothy River, Broad Creek (Bates/Beigel)
Sat 8 Summer Rendezvous, Magothy, Leighs (DeYoung/Helmes) Changed! Spa Creek, Paula Binder's
Sat 15 Patapsco River, Bodkin Creek (Bahr)
AYC Summer (Nye) Sat 22
Sat 29 Orioles Game, Baltimore (Lehman)
Sat 5
Sun 6
Labor Day Mini Cruises:
 North - Stillpond (Palmers)
 South - Great Wicomico, Mill Creek (Alley)
PSA Friendship Team Race (D. Chambers) Sat 12 Canadian Weekend (Sherod Cooper)
PSA Friendship Team Race (D. Chambers) Sun 13 Canadian Weekend (Sherod Cooper)
PSA Queenstown (S. Cooper) Sat 19 Mini Cruise - Queenstown (Marshall)
PSA Queenstown back (S. Cooper) Sun 20
NASS Oxford Race (Johnson) Sat 26 R & R Plaindealing Creek, Tred Avon River
TAYC Hammond Memorial Race Sun 27
AYC Fall #1 (P. Scheidt) Sat 3 Fall Rendezvous, Spa Creek, Binder (Higinbotham) Changed! Magothy, Leigh's
Sun 4 Begin Wild Goose Chase (Dudeck)
High Island, Rhode River
Mon 5 Caulk Cove, Leadenham Creek
Tues 6 San Domingo Creek
Wed 7 Island Creek
Thur 8 Oxford
Fri 9 Sawmill Cove, La Trappe Creek, Party Ashore
AYC Fall #2 (P. Scheidt) Sat 10 Harris Creek, Dun Cove
Sun 11 Sail Home
AYC Fall #3 (P. Scheidt) Sat 17
Sat 24 Hot Cider Cruise, Severn River, Clements Creek (Leigh)
Sat 31 Die Hard Cruise, Forked Creek, Magothy River (Drenning)
Sun 6 Picture Night, PSA (Tice/DeMoss/Dinwiddie)
Sat 23 Annual Dinner - Solomons Island (Maroldy/Chepp/Burkel)

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