
Alberg 30 Racing

Racing with the Alberg 30 Association is a friendly affair. Oh, to be sure, the die-hard racers are out there to win. But the cruisers are also out there, just to have a good time. In the process, they become better sailors. And they all, racers and cruisers, raft up together at the end of the day for a party. It's a family.

Do you want to do your first race? Well, there are two things that are essential:

  1. Signal flag "G" Get a couple of "G" flags. You need to fly these, one on the bow pulpit and one on the backstay, to show that you're racing in the Alberg 30 class. (You shouldn't be flying any other flag or burgee when racing.)
  2. Fill out an entry form (found in the Green Book) and send it into the sponsoring yacht club for the race (with appropriate fees, specified in the Sailing Instructions).
To be sure, if you're going to race frequently or competitively, you should join CBYRA (Chesapeake Bay Yacht Racing Association) and consider joining US Sailing, too. These are the organizations that make racing happen in the United States and on the Chesapeake Bay. They deserve your support.

If you have any questions, or need any information about a race, you can always contact the Racing Commodore.

Racing Rules

But what about those complicated and difficult racing rules?

Wikipedia has a pretty good summary of the racing rules, along with the committee boat signal flags.

A member of the A30 Association, who wishes to remain anonymous for reasons of liability, has provided a simplified cheat sheet to the racing rules. This will get you started, and will cover most situations out on the water.

The class has rules on permitted sails. The definitive reference to the one-design class rules is the bylaws published each year in the Handbook.

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Page last modified: Sunday 05-Feb-2023