
Undo the Standing Rigging

Tying up the loose shrouds Pulling the pins of the upper shrouds

Remove the clevis pins from lower shrouds and tie or tape the shrouds neatly to the mast. You don't want anything getting caught while you're lowering the mast.

Two crewmembers man the primary winch--one to crank and the other to tail. They should tension the tackle to provide support as the rigging is loosened. While one person is holding the base of the mast, another can remove the pins from the backstay and uppers.

Lead the Tackle <-Previous   Next-> Take Down the Mast

Cover of the book showing three Alberg 30s racing neck and neck
with spinnakers flying The First 50 Years: An Alberg 30 History by Mike Lehman

A collection of stories about the Alberg 30 and how a bunch of Chesapeake Bay sailors came to buy a bunch of these boats and form an association around racing and cruising them.

(Proceeds help support the Alberg 30 Association.)

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Page last modified: Friday 03-Feb-2023