When I removed the remains of the old taffrail, I found that there was a little delamination in the hull-deck joint. This is probably a relic of an old collision or docking accident. The delamination did not go all the way through, so I just spread the crack with a screwdriver and squirted in some 3M 5200 caulk. While I had the taffrail removed, I through-bolted the hull deck joint. I also sealed the outside of the joint with a liberal application of 5200. The new taffrail was made by Cy Fishburn by laminating strips of teak. I drilled and countersunk for screws, and trimmed it to size. The edges didn't quite match the rails, so I filed the rails down to meet. Once it fit to my satisfaction, I screwed the new taffrail to the deck, bedded in 3M 5200 caulk. It might be prudent to use 4200, but I don't anticipate removing the taffrail and the 5200 was at hand. I then dipped some teak plugs in resorcinal glue and lightly tapped them into place in the screwholes. The plugs stood proud of the taffrail. I chiseled off the bulk of the protuding plugs... ...and then carefully trimmed closer, paying attention to which way the grain tilted. Finally I sanded the plugs smooth. Voila! A new taffrail!