
The Alberg 30 Galley Guide


The Two Burner Cookbook


How I learned to eat well and keep happy while chained to an alcohol stove

A-30 Spinach Dip

Lee and Ray Marks, X.S.IV.II, #434

We became Alberg owners in July of 1980, but our first big "outing" with the group occurred spring/summer of 1981 when a rendezvous was held way up the Wye River on a piece of property owned by Ralph Bluntschli. We were a little in awe of this adventure and wanted to bring something as a token of friendship. This was a new, untried recipe and we decided to share it with the group. Everyone loved it and we had many requests for the recipe. It then became one of our favorites because of the memory of the acceptance we felt from the Alberg Association. Boy, do we wish we had marketed the dip back then! It later became a big seller at Graul's and subsequently many other deli/grocery stores. In hindsight, though, the Alberg welcome was worth much more. Cover of the Alberg 30 Cookbook

  • 1 pkg. frozen chopped spinach
  • 1 cup sour cream
  • 1 cup mayonnaise or salad dressing
  • 1 tsp. dill
  • 1 tsp. oregano
  • 1 Tbsp. Salad Supreme (a salad seasoning mix made by McCormick)
  • 1 Tbsp. lemon juice
  • 4 green salad onions, chopped
  • pepper (coarse ground) to taste

Thaw spinach and drain well. Mix with other ingredients. Sliced water chestnuts are an optional addition.

Hollow out center of pumpernickel bread. Fill with spinach mixture. Cut hollowed out section into cubes to be used for dipping. You may want an extra loaf of bread for more cubes if the crowd is large or composed of Alberg 30 sailors. Crackers or veggies are equally good. When the bread "shell" is empty, cut into sections and enjoy. It is especially tasty the next day.

This recipe previously appeared in the January 1983 Mainsheet.

It's a cookbook

In 1992, the Chesapeake Bay Alberg 30 Association published a cookbook filled with recipes contributed by members of the Association. In between the recipes are pen-and-ink drawings by Ward Rosenberry.

Most of these recipes are suited to preparation aboard a boat with no oven. Others may be prepared ahead of time and taken along. A few are best for on-shore rendezvous. Most are accompanied with a story, such as the A-30 Spinach Dip recipe, above. Sometimes, the story eclipses the recipe.

Past Commodore Gorman's Recipe for Succulent Steak à Deux with Small Sweet Peas and Golden Carrot Strips in a Light Creamy Sauce and accompanied by Sliced Potatoes in a Tangy Cheddar Cheese Sauce

Pat Gorman, Limerick, #227

Our illustrious past commodore had promised us the recipe for his renowned "Vegetables in a Bag." When time came to deliver, he tried to evade us, preferring to keep his culinary secrets. We have convinced him to share this recipe, previously reserved for those times when Roberta is not preparing one of her delicacies.

  • 1 Del Monte Vegetable Classic: garden duet
  • 1 Del Monte Vegetable Classic: potatoes Au Gratin
  • 2 succulent strip steaks, 3/8" thick
  • 1 pot big enough to drown the 2 Del Monte Classics in
  • 1 barbecue grill big enough to hold the 2 succulent steaks
  • 1 bottle of hearty red wine to thin cholesterol

Open cholesterol thinner and sip. Drown the Classics, still in the bags, in the pot and turn on the flame. Sip cholesterol thinner. Start the charcoal on the barbecue. Sip cholesterol thinner as water heats. When the water starts to boil, lower the heat to where it just keeps the boil going and note the time. Sip cholesterol thinner. Dust steaks with garlic pepper and continue to sip cholesterol thinner.

Fifteen minutes later, consign steaks to grill for two-and-one-half minutes on a side (if you like your steak medium rare), sipping a little cholesterol thinner for each side. Remove steaks from flame, open Classics (poke holes with fork and watch out for trapped steam!) and serve, accompanied by remaining cholesterol thinner. If necessary, open a new bottle of thinner to go with dinner.

Get your own copy

These cookbooks were very popular when first published. As luck would have it, a small cache was unearthed during a garage-cleaning project. Therefore, you can have your very own copy of this unique cookbook.

The books are 5-1/2" by 8-1/2" and contain approximately 100 pages. To order, send $10 per book (check or money order, payable to the Alberg 30 Association) and your mailing address to:

  • A30 Cookbook
  • c/o George Dinwiddie
  • 226 Beachwood Road
  • Pasadena, MD 21122
Allow 8 weeks for delivery. [This is a volunteer-run organization.] All proceeds go to the Association.

Whitecaps and Seaweed on the Ocean

Fayne Farrar, Tern Two, #548

This one's worth it if for the name alone!

  • 1 pint fresh, washed blueberries
  • 1 pint sour cream
  • 1/2 - 3/4 cup brownulated sugar

Fold together in mixing bowl and serve. Inside the Alberg 30 Cookbook

This Old Boat book cover This Old Boat by Don Casey

Subtitled "turn a rundown fiberglass boat into a first-class yacht on a shoestring budget," this book is the best introduction I know boat maintenance for the new or prospective owner of a "modern classic" sailboat. Starting with guidelines for selecting a boat, Casey proceeds to fiberglass repairs, cabin and deckwork, spars and rigging, boat equipment, woodwork, electrical, plumbing, refrigeration, painting, canvas work and sails. All of this is described in clear, simple terms perfect for the inexperienced. This is the book that taught me fiberglass work. But don't let it fool you; this book is appropriate for experienced boatowners, too. I still refer to it.

Other books by Don Casey

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