
Alberg 30 Drawings

Many people come looking for the original lines, as drawn by Carl Alberg, or the construction drawings from Whitby Boat Works. I'm sorry to say that I've never been about to find these. The Peabody Essex Museum in Salem, MA has the plans for many Alberg designs, but apparently not the A30. I suspect those plans are forever lost.

These late Bob Johns, who owned Wind Call, #397, provided these higher resolution scans of the sailplan (149k), the hull plan (301k), and the hull layout (992k) from page 3 of the Whitby brochure

Wes Gardner, owner of Griffin's Faith, #196, provided his trace of the boat profile in dwg (26k), pdf (5k), and png (331K) formats. svg (7k, translated by Louis Houde)

Cover of the book showing three Alberg 30s racing neck and neck
with spinnakers flying The First 50 Years: An Alberg 30 History by Mike Lehman

A collection of stories about the Alberg 30 and how a bunch of Chesapeake Bay sailors came to buy a bunch of these boats and form an association around racing and cruising them.

(Proceeds help support the Alberg 30 Association.)

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Page last modified: Friday 03-Feb-2023